At DiRAD, we believe hobbies are important for any happy employee. Hiking in particular offers a multitude of benefits for mental health and productivity. Walking, fresh air, and natural surroundings are amazing for reducing stress and anxiety.  Additionally, the physical exertion involved in hiking can boost endorphins, leading to improved mood and overall well-being. This sense of calm and rejuvenation can translate into increased focus and productivity in other areas of life.

That’s why we reached out to the hikers of DiRAD to give us all the tips and tricks for this months Company Spotlight!

How did you get interested in hiking?

Zach V: I started hiking when I was kid with my dad. Haven’t stopped hiking since!

Emma W: Being from Michigan helped. My Grandmother’s house had a forest out back that had wild strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries growing through it and there were sections of the forest that turned into sand dunes and had desert lizards roaming through. Between that and swimming in the Great Lakes, growing up frequently involved being outdoors.

Jessica L: Started it with the family and it was a lot of fun exploring.

Noah C: My dad started taking my brother and I on hikes at a very young age. We would travel all over the ADK’s, going to all these spots he used to hike.

What about hiking do you enjoy most?

ZV: The peace and quiet.

EW: Being in nature and really getting to see it. Little flowers of all colors and smells, rustling of chipmunks and other critters scrambling about, random creeks and streams, wind moving through grasses. It’s just beautiful and peaceful. Also, the fun adventures wandering around with friends and stories like forgetting your water bottle in the car and only realizing it halfway through, or going to a diner or brewery after hiking all morning. Nothing tastes better than food after hiking.

JL: Quality family time.

NC: I really enjoy the peace and quiet of it all. I prefer going to trails that are less populated to really get the full nature experience.

What do you wish more people knew about hiking?

ZV: How many hiking trails are around you. The alltrials app has tons of little hikes and I bet there is a fun one within 20 minutes from your house.

EW: To not leave any trash behind or play loud music. So many natural habitats have been disrupted and then we spend time recreationally in nature and further disrupt the land for animals and other hikers.

JL: It is a lot of fun.

NC: I wish people knew that there are hikes for almost anyone. You don’t need to go far, or plan on a long exhausting hike to be able to enjoy a great view.

Is this an activity that you typically enjoy alone or would you bring others with you? Is it dog friendly?

ZV: I hike alone and with others. I would say it is pretty dog friendly, but some private lands request that you do not bring a dog so I would always check first.

EW: Very dog friendly. Unfortunately , or fortunately if your friend’s schedules are easier to work with, it is safer to go with others, especially along trails or at campsites. There are some more crowded trails like at Bear Mountain that would likely be fine to hike alone.

JL: Loving going with my family and dog.

NC: Hikes are always best to do with someone. Despite some trails being very populated, you are still in the woods, potentially without cell service. As corny as it sounds, safety first!

It’s “leaf peeping” season. Any recommendations for trails or hiking destinations to get a great view this fall?

ZV: This might be to specific, but the upper works trailhead in the high peaks region is my favorite starting point. You can get to a lot of the same stuff as ADK lodge but parking is much easier in my experience. You don’t even need to climb a mountain out there just hiking to Lake Colden will give you some awesome views.

EW: Almost anywhere, it’s hard to avoid.

JL: In the Adirondacks.

NC: The foliage is always better the further north you travel. Lake George area and beyond is always a safe bet!

If someone is curious about getting started, what do you recommend? What do they need to start?

ZV: Alltrails has a lot of fun trails to try. All you need is a comfy pair of shoes and bottle of water.

EW: It depends on what hiking folks are looking to get started on. I’d recommend checking out the ten essentials list to make sure you have everything needed, and recommend going for an easy quick hike to start. There are many hikes that are higher difficulty than are rated online and some hikes that folks think are boring that I’ve found really delightful. And, if you’re interested in hikes that are scrambles, definitely go with friends, especially if you’re short like me. And then make sure the tall friends are ahead of and behind you.

JL: Look up easy hikes first!

NC: Checking online for when black flies and mosquitos are in season when planning a hike! And using sites like and are great ways to look for hikes at varying difficulty levels!

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