Call Center Performance Benchmarks

Call center benchmarking is key to managing an efficient call center operation. Not only will the metrics help you save money on your bottom line, but it will also ensure your team is performing optimally, and help you to stay compliant with best practices, and…
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Difference Between Contact Centers & Call Centers

What’s the difference between Contact Centers and Call Centers? If you find your business is in the market to revamp how it interacts with customers, knowing the differences (and similarities) between the two types can be important. A simplistic view of how they are different…
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Benefits of VoIP Phone Systems for Call Centers

Call centers have made some large changes over the past decade. They have evolved from a necessary cost-center with entry-level staff, to an important driver of brand differentiation, revenue generation, and customer satisfaction. If you haven’t upgraded your call center experience, you are falling behind…
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