Everyone is busy these days, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and neglect personal passions. However, what many don’t realize is that pursuing hobbies is not just a leisure activity; it’s essential for employee well-being and overall job performance. From boosting creativity and reducing stress to fostering a sense of accomplishment and building stronger relationships, the benefits of having hobbies extends far beyond relaxation.

This company spotlight, we’re highlighting Sports Fans of DiRAD!

What sports do you enjoy participating in? (Playing, spectating, watching at home, etc.)

Ryann W: I enjoy watching my daughter play softball. She plays competitive travel and school ball (achieved 2024 Offensive Player of the Year😊). It keeps us all very busy, all year round! I also enjoy watching her play volleyball which is a relatively new sport to her, that she has excelled in very quickly. I used to play in high school as well so it’s a nice bonding activity for us. I also enjoy watching NFL games and participate in Fantasy Football leagues.

Madison J: I love watching football!

Kathy C: I enjoy Cowboy Action Shooting.  CAS is a fun family friendly sport that focuses on safely shooting at steel targets in various stages and patterns in a timed event.

Zach V: I’ll watch pretty much any sports. I grew up in Syracuse and so the sports I love most are College Basketball and College Football. I also watch a lot of Formula 1, NFL, and NBA. I have always wanted to get into international soccer as well and watched a lot of the Euros this summer which were a lot of fun.

Paul B: Shooting/target shooting. It’s in the Olympics so it’s definitely a sport! I am working on my pistol permit and hoping to get more into target shooting as a sport.

Rebecca M: I love horseback riding, barrel racing, and pole bending. I love watching pbr!

What about those sports interests you? What’s your favorite thing about it?

RW: Honestly, our lives pretty much revolve around softball, year round. As a parent, watching her play and excel at something she is so passionate about, makes me very proud.  She hit her 1st out of the park homerun this summer and that was my favorite moment so far.

MJ: The community and camaraderie that sports bring out in people is second to none. Whether you are cheering for or against each other the whole experience is exciting.

KC: There are a number… I enjoy learning new skills, dressing in outfits and using firearms from the 1800s and the number one reason, the cowboy community.  The community is a page right out of the book I grew up with – the values of trust (never had to lock your doors), helping one another, and giving your word and keeping it.  You might only see a cowboy/cowgirl friend once or twice a year depending on which matches you both attend, but in that short time you get to know more about them than your neighbor you have lived next to for 10 years.  If you are traveling to a match, there’s usually someone that will open their home to you.  For example, I have been to a match in another state and just met someone and next thing I know they are inviting me to stay at their house the following year, and I’ve felt perfectly comfortable in doing so.  And this one blew my mind the first time I saw it.  I attended a larger state match.  There were a number of vendors.  Most vendors also participate in the match, yet all of them leave their wares available for you to browse.  If you see something, pick it up and go back to pay for it.  What???  Any vendors I’ve spoken with said they’ve never been ‘stiffed’ by a cowboy/cowgirl.  Now that’s trust and people doing the right thing!

PB: It’s just you and some friends and your firearm. Breath control and a few other things go into being a good shot and it’s relaxing and fun.

RM: Animals, horses, the thrill of running as fast as I can and the wind in my hair.

How did you get involved/interested in these sports?

RW: When she joined tee ball at 4 years old (11 years ago). She’s been playing ever since.

MJ: I did not get into football until college, everyone was watching on Sundays and I didn’t want to miss out. Also going to a college that had our own football team was a fun way to be involved and learn the sport with more of a stake in the game.

KC: I met a well-known shooter at my local range.  She invited me to her house to watch a practice.  It looked like fun.  Next thing I knew, I was trying it.  I was hooked.  I’ve been having the best time.  I’m very lucky in that she’s been my mentor ever since.

ZV: I never liked sports as a kid and I don’t think really started loving them until I started going to the games. We had season tickets to Syracuse Basketball in one of the best stretches of success for that team. That’s what really got me into it. If you aren’t into sports, try going to some games, that’s what got me hooked.

PB: I’ve been into target shooting since my uncle bought me my first pellet gun for the back yard.

RM: Family.

Do you have a favorite team(s) or player that you support?

RW: Isabella 😊 Professionally, I’m a NY Yankee and Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Favorite player of all time is Derek Jeter and Jerome Bettis.

MJ: After going to college in Central New York, I will always have a special place in my heart for the Buffalo Bills.

KC: There are no specific teams or players.  We support, root for, and encourage one another.  If someone has a malfunction with a firearm, there are multiple people offering their firearms to help the person continue to compete – and that includes your high-level shooters offering their firearms.  It’s not all about winning.  It’s about how you compete.  There are folks that come to dress up, they come for the camaraderie, and some come to compete at a high level and it’s all OK.  The sport draws people from all walks of life: construction worker, bartender, lawyer, homemaker, undertaker, CEO, etc.  It’s really amazing the various occupations people have that participate in this sport.

ZV: Huge Syracuse sports fan, more casual fan of the Knicks and the Seahawks.

PB: No, if I do watch it in the Olympics, of course it will be team USA. But we’ve all seen the memes of the one Turkish shooter without the gear everyone else was sporting.

RM: My cousin Kendra competes in the local Rodeos and wins!

What do you wish more people knew about your favorite sport?

RW: That it’s a lifestyle for us. So much of our time is committed to and consumed by tournaments, practices, clinics, lessons, etc. which limits our ability to much of anything else. Some people find it hard to understand or relate to. Making plans with us is hard, and typically “Sorry we can’t. Softball”.

MJ: Football excludes no one! Whether it’s the actual game, the cheerleaders, the band, or the tailgating that excites you, there really is something for everyone!

KC: That it truly is a safe fun family friendly sport that welcomes everybody.  The sport has participants that range in age from ~8 (depending on state laws) to well over 90.  I wish I found this sport a long, long time ago.  It’s the most fun I’ve ever had.  I’ve also been able to see/travel the country to various matches and to meet some great people.

ZV: I wish more wealthy donors and high valued recruits knew about Syracuse athletics 😂

RM: Its not just the horse running. There is a lot more to it, as horse and rider are one.

If someone is curious about the sport(s) you like, how could they get involved? Where should they look?

RW: Local rec leagues are fun and usually where it all begins. If your child expresses an interest in playing, check out the rec leagues in your area. If they excel and want to take it to the next level, look into travel teams. There are so many out there, ranging in different levels of competition and commitment.

MJ: Turn on FOX, CBS, ABC, or any channel on a Sunday and start watching!

KC: Look for Cowboy Action Shooting at your local gun club/range.  Go watch a match, ask questions, see what it’s all about.  Go to the SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) website (www.sassnet.com).  There’s a lot of information about local clubs.  There’s also a monthly newsletter and some videos.

ZV: I am not into the anything obscure, you can watch what I watch on ESPN 😀

PB: There are lots of places to look for this. Local Gun and Rod clubs, online. Here is a good site to look at. https://4-hshootingsports.org/ The talk about not only the fun and skill but also all the safety and responsibility it takes to learn a skill like this. Not only is it a fun sport but it can be used for hunting as well. It’s a good skill I think everyone should try to take advantage of at some point.

RM: Any local horse barn or rodeos.

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